Sri Siva Satya Nārāyanaswāmi Temple, located in the beautiful city of Mississauga in Ontario! The Kumbabhishékam of the Temple took place, in a consecration ceremony lasting for five days, on November 29, 2009, with the blessings of Pujya Sri Ravi Shankar, followed by 42 days of Mandala Pujā. The temple is consecrated with the Murthis of Sri Saundra Nāyaki samédha Sri Kailāsanāthar (Sri Sivā), Sri Lakshmiramā (Sri Mahā Lakshmi) samédha Sri Satyanārāyana Swāmi, Sri Ganesā, Sri Muruga, Ashta Bhuja (8-handed) Sri Durgā, Sri Guruvayurappan, Sri Anjaneyā, Sri Kāla Bhairavar and Navagrahās. All the Vigrahams installed in the temple are very exquisitely carved . Please see the Deities page for additional information.
The unique feature of the temple is the self-contained ‘Vision of Vedās’ teaching school for those keen on learning Sāstrā and Vedās. Sri Chandrasekara Gurukkal, the founder of the temple, is an accomplished Vedic scholar, Priest and Teacher who has created a number of Vedic students in the GTA over the past several years. While there are plenty of temples in Toronto, there are no learning centres where one can learn Vedic recitation, rituals and Sastrās. The Canada Siva Satyanārāyana Swāmi Temple fills this void, and “Vision of Vedās” school is being created with the aim of teaching Sastras.
We invite you to experience the ancient teaching tradition of India that has been in vogue for thousands of years. The speciality of the temple is that it caters to the needs of every segment of worshippers – like Saivam (worship of Siva), Vaishnavam (worship of Vishnu), Sowram (worship of Sun), Ganapathyam (worship of Ganesa) and Sāktham (worship of Sakthi).
We hope to present, through these Web pages, as much detail as possible about the temple and the Deities consecrated therein, daily Pujā schedules as well as happenings of important events through photographs. You will be able to plan your next visit as well as send E-mails to the temple with your questions or suggestions.
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