Sri Maha Periyava Jayanthi Celebrations – Sunday, 22nd May 2016
With the benign blessings of Acharyas of Kanchi Kamakoti Mutt, the 123rd Jayanthi of H.H.Sri Maha Periyavaa Sri Chandrasekarendra Saraswathi Swamigal will be celeberated at Sri Siva Sathyanarayana temple.
We invite all devotees to participate on this holy occasion with family and friends and have the blessings of Acharyaal.
Program Details :
8:00 AM to 10:00 AM – Guru Vandanam, Ganapathi Homam, Aavahanthi Homam
10:00 AM to 11:00 AM – Rudra Abishekam, Padhukha Abishekam
11:00 AM to 12:00 Noon – Lalitha Sahasranama Archana
12 :00 noon to 1:00 PM – Maha Periava Astothra Archana, Upasana Pooja, Chaturveda Parayanam, Bhajan, Thodaka Ashtakam, Discourse, Deeparadhana, Prasadham Distribution
We intend to perform a Laksharchana with 108 participants, Ladies and families interested in participating are requested to register their names with Smt.Vidhya in the phone number given below. (NO REGISTRATION FEE)
Devotees interested in Donation/Sponsorship for Annadhanam, Lalitha Sahasranamam, and/or willing to contribute Fruits, Flowers, Prasadham or any to other Pooja Items, please contact any of the following for details.
Ravi : 416-464-4069
Vidhya : 416-710-3931
Uma Mayur : 905-502-9099
Ram : 647-205-5237
Temple : 905-282-0108